Alcohol and Approved Greek Social Events
All members of the campus community and guests are expected to abide by Indiana State Law and university policies governing the possession, consumption, use, production or sale of alcohol. Greek organizations may serve alcohol at approved registered events to guests who are of legal drinking age in accordance with the “Approved Greek Social Event” policy. Social events with alcohol at fraternity houses must follow either the Third Party Vendor Process or the BYOB process. Alcohol is not permitted at Open Parties, during recruitment events, or in association with new member education or initiation activities.
Members of Greek organizations have access to formalized programming regarding bystander intervention, alcohol education, and Indiana State Law. Members who have leadership responsibilities within their organizations must participate in appropriate training relative to appropriate serving methods and consumption levels before events are approved.
General Provisions for Alcohol at an Approved Greek Event
- The purchasing of alcoholic beverages through the use of chapter funds, through any special account associated with the chapter, or through the collection of monies coordinated by any member of the chapter for communal consumption is strictly prohibited.
- The use of single source containers such as party balls, kegs, punch bowls or trash cans are prohibited.
- No one shall purchase or serve or sell alcoholic beverages to a minor.
- Chapters shall not, under any circumstances, co-sponsor or contribute financially to an event with an alcoholic distributor, charitable organization or tavern where alcohol is given away or otherwise made available to those present.
- All recruitment activities, formal or informal, associated with a chapter must be free of alcoholic beverages.
- All fraternity-hosted social gatherings must provide a guest list and be registered through the Center for Student Engagement.
- All social events at which alcohol is present must follow BYOB guidelines or employ a Third Party vendor. Social events should not have the consumption of alcoholic beverages as a central focus of the event.
- When alcoholic beverages are served at a social event, it is encouraged that non-alcoholic beverages and food items be provided in a separate place other than the location used to distribute alcohol.
- Drinking games and other forms of alcohol abuse shall not be tolerated, condoned, encouraged or participated in by members or guests at a campus event.
- Chapters are encouraged to hire a professional caterer with certified bartenders. This service may include common containers in the form of a cash bar if provided by a third party vendor. General Liability insurance must be obtained by the caterer and the chapter and University of Evansville must be named as additionally insured on the General Liability policy.
- At no time may an organization advertise alcoholic beverages in the promotion of a social event.
- No alcohol may be present or consumed at any pledge/associate or new member education activity or ritual event.
Below is a list of requirements to host an alcoholic event. A full set of guidelines for what is expected of host organizations prior to, during and after a registered event can be found in the “Fraternity-Hosted Event Guidelines”
- Social events must be registered with the Center for Student Engagement no later than the Wednesday prior to the intended date of the event.
- Guest lists must be submitted by Friday at noon in advance of the intended host date of the event to the Center for Student Engagement.
- No guests under the age of 18 are permitted in a fraternity house.
- Host organizations are responsible for knowing and abiding by their national organization guidelines related to risk management, alcoholic beverages and hosted activities.
- Students in attendance who are 21 years of age or older and plan to consume alcoholic beverages will be identified with a wristband at the host site. These wrist bands will be provided to the host organization by the Interfraternity Council.
- Events using a third-party Vendor will be required to use an approved vendor from a list of options provided by the Center for Student Engagement in conjunction with the Office of Risk Management. Third-party vendors must be registered 3 weeks prior to an event.
- During a BYOB hosted event, “bartenders” will be individuals from the host organization who have received TIPS training.
- The host organization is responsible for providing 6 sober monitors from its membership throughout the entire event and 30 minutes after the event.
- Additionally, 2 IFC and/or 2 Panhellenic social monitors (total of 4) will be required to attend each registered event.
- All registered events that include alcohol at a fraternity house must be held in a common area within the house and only include a single serving location for alcoholic beverages. Serving alcohol from individual rooms is strictly prohibited.
- All distribution of alcohol must end 30 minutes prior to the scheduled conclusion of the event.
- During BYOB events, 21 year old or older members and guests are permitted to bring a maximum of 6 standard beers (12 oz.) or 72 oz. total; 4 wine coolers or malt beverages (not to exceed 8% alcohol). Per fraternity guidelines, glass containers are not permitted.
- All beverages must be served from their original container.
- At the end of a social event hosted at a fraternity house, the IFC and Panhellenic social monitors will be responsible for completing a ‘Post-event Report’ to the Center for Student Engagement by the first business day after the hosted event.
Office Phone
1-833-BeAnAce (1-833-232-6223)
Office Email
Office Location
1800 Lincoln Ave. Evansville Indiana 47722